Howdy! Find out which agencies might be hiring people…and some which may be letting people go. This intel can be pretty useful to job seekers, recruiters and other agency leaders. So here’s a quick snapshot of recent agency pitches, wins and losses. These are gathered from trade articles and Google searches. It is by no means an exhaustive list.
The Onion Labs win has been part of a mini-trend where media sources are cranking out content that’s being used in vehicles not necessarily owned by the the media company. And also note the two pitches mentioned are around standalone models. But we digress…
- BBDO and Arc wins Dunkin’ Donuts
- W+K wins more Nike business with Converse
- Onion Labs wins Barbasol
- Mcgarrybowen gets some Hershey business
- Anamoly wins Weight Watchers
- Hill Holiday loses Dunkin’ Donuts
- DiMassio Goldstein loses Weight Watchers
This post was published on May 1, 2018.
If you’re looking for intel that’s even closer to the Moment of Hire, give me a call. If you’re looking for new announcement of client-side marketing leaders, take a look at this (recent CMO news).