Howdy! Should you find your agency needs to generate a pitch or two, check out these latest new Chief Marketing Officer announcements. The following are culled from trade magazines and Google.
- Mondelez moves to regional CMO model
- Internal promotion to CMO at Dell
- Miami University gets new CMO
- Andersen Windows hires new marketing leader
This post was published on April 19, 2018. New leaders on the client-side often suggest a change on the agency side. For new business opportunities that might happen a bit sooner, check out earlier posts of this type here.
If you’re looking for a new job, though, this series may be more helpful.
And should you wish to see these posts as they get published, feel free to sign up for Thunderclap’s RSS feed.
Thanks. And happy pitching and searching.
photo credit: alasdair massie Sunset walk by the radio telescopes via photopin (license)